Committees 2016 | Tutorials 2016 | Keynote Speakers 2016
Programme 2016 | Proceedings 2016 | Venue 2016
SALENTO AVR 2016 intends to bring together the community of researchers and scientists in order to discuss key issues, approaches, ideas, open problems, innovative applications and trends on virtual and augmented reality, 3D visualization and computer graphics in the areas of medicine, cultural heritage, arts, education, entertainment, military and industrial applications.
SALENTO AVR 2016 solicits original contributions in the topic areas reported below; the sub-topics list is not exhaustive. Papers may address to one or more sub-topics, although authors should not feel limited by them. Of particular interest will be papers that combine technologies from two or more of these areas.
We invite you to use out online system to submit full or short papers for oral or poster presentation. The contributions will be carefully evaluated by external reviewers and program committee taking into account originality, significance, technical soundness and clarity of exposition.
Accepted papers will be included in the conference proceedings and published in Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS) edited by Springer.
Please refer to Paper Publication and Paper Guidelines for details on the paper submission.