The 2nd International Conference on Augmented and Virtual Reality (SALENTO AVR 2015) offers a real opportunity to bring a community of researchers from academia and industry, computer scientists, engineers, physicians together in order to share points of views, knowledge, experiences and scientific and technical results, related to state-of-the-art solutions and technologies on virtual and augmented reality applications for medicine, cultural heritage, education, industrial sectors, as well as the demonstration of advanced products and technologies.


Paper Submission

SALENTO AVR 2015 has paper submission in different categories: main conference theme papers, and poster session papers.
To submit a paper, please connect to the available Submission link in the Author instructions menu at the SALENTO AVR 2015 web site.
Only papers submitted through the electronic system and strictly adhering to the relevant format will be considered for reviewing and publication.

Main Conference Theme Papers

The submitted paper must be camera-ready, between 8 and 20 pages long and formatted according to the LNCS rules. Please consult the URL for formatting information and templates.

Poster Papers

Reporting preliminary results of ongoing research. The submitted paper must be between 6 to 8 pages long formatted according to LNCS rules. The Poster Papers will be presented as posters during the conference.
Please consult the URL for formatting information and templates.

Pre-registration (account and paper/poster submission)


Camera-ready Paper Submission

The deadline for the submission of the camera-ready paper is June 14, 2015.
The payment of the registration fee should be done before June 14, 2015  and is mandatory for the publication of the paper.
Papers uploaded without the payment of the conference registration fee will not included in Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS) edited by Springer.
All other co-authors that will attend the conference can do the registration at any time.

Regular early registration fee: € 500,00
Student (*) early registration fee: € 400,00

(*) Students will be required to submit a scanned copy of an official letter (in English) from the University/School they attend, duly signed and stamped, indicating the current student status. This letter must be also presented when checking-in at the conference desk

For a registered author the cost of additional accepted paper is € 250.

Instructions for the submission of reviewed or accepted papers
1)    log on to OCS platform
2)    click on active submissions
3)    after the submission click, two menus should appear: Summary and Review
4)    in the “Summary” menu click on the link “Add a supplementary file” in order to upload the signed Copyright Form (it can be downloaded here)
5)    in the “Review” menu, under the “Director Decision” section, click on “Upload Author” in order to upload the reviewed or accepted paper

Before the final submission, authors should carefully check the manuscript compliance with the guidelines of Springer LNCS!