![AR SummerSchool_logo-rossoscuro](http://www.salentoavr.it/wp-content/uploads/2018/02/AR-SummerSchool_logo-rossoscuro.png)
Augmented Reality Summer School 2018
September 2 – 8, 2018
Torre dell’Orso (Lecce), Italy
Unlike the virtual reality technology that completely immerses users inside a synthetic environment where they cannot see the real world around them, Mixed Reality (MR) and Augmented Reality (AR) technologies permit the real-time fusion of computer-generated digital contents with the real world and allow the creation of fascinating new types of user interfaces.
AR supplements reality rather than completely replacing it and the user is under the impression that the virtual and real objects coexist in the same space. The virtual objects help user to perform real-world tasks better by displaying information that cannot directly detect with own senses.
Many applications of MR/AR technologies have been developed in different fields (medicine, education, arts and cultural heritage, entertainment, military, and manufacturing). Recently, new concepts such as Natural User Interfaces and Mobile Immersion have emerged and permit to combine AR/MR technologies with new mobile human-machine interfaces. Consequently, mobile immersion will allow users to move away from purely physical communication mode to a mixed/augmented reality communication, interaction and collaboration mode. Interactions will be natural and augmentations will become ubiquitous.
The main aim of the Augmented Reality Summer School is to propose a privileged moment for stimulating discussions and exchanging scientific experiences and technical results related to this technology.
The main thematic areas of the Augmented Reality Summer School are:
– medicine
– cultural heritage and arts
– education
– games and serious games
Important Dates
– registration deadline and fee payment: July 31, 2018 August 15, 2018
– AR Summer School: September 2 – 8, 2018
General Chair
Lucio Tommaso De Paolis, University of Salento, Italy
Scientific Committee
Marco Sacco, ITIA-CNR, Italy
Patrick Bourdot, CNRS/LIMSI, University Paris-Sud, France
Paolo Proietti, MIMOS, Italy
Giovanni Aloisio, University of Salento, Italy
Monica Bordegoni, Politecnico di Milano, Italy
Vincenzo Ferrari, EndoCAS Center, Italy
Emanuele Frontoni, Università Politecnica delle Marche, Italy
Roberto Scopigno, CNR-ISTI, Italy
Vitoantonio Bevilacqua, Politecnico di Bari, Italy
Jaume Segura Garcia, Universitat de València, Spain
Fabrizio Nunnari, German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence (DFKI), Saarbrücken, Germany
Mariano Alcañiz, Universitat Politècnica de València, Spain
Paolo Sernani, Università Politecnica delle Marche, Italy
Jaume Segura Garcia, Universitat de València, Spain
Roberto Pierdicca, Università Politecnica delle Marche, Italy
Donato Maniello, Studio Glowarp, Italy
Tommaso Pantaloni, Ubisive, Italy
Local Organizing Committee
Lucio Tommaso De Paolis, University of Salento, Italy: Scientific Organization
Ilenia Paladini, University of Salento, Italy: General Organization and Communication
Silke Miss, Virtech, Italy: Logistic
Program at a Glance
![ARSS 2018 - program](http://www.salentoavr.it/wp-content/uploads/2018/02/ARSS-2018-program.jpg)
Lecture 1: Augmented Reality: from theoretical background to long-term usability evaluations
Emanuele Frontoni – Università Politecnica delle Marche, Italy
Lecture 2: Sensing Cultural Heritage: user-centered approaches towards senseable spaces
Roberto Pierdicca – Università Politecnica delle Marche, Italy
Lecture 3: Augmented & Virtual Reality enabler for the “Factory 4.0”
Marco Sacco – ITIA-CNR, Italy
Lecture 4: AR in medicine and surgery: potentialities and available technologies
Vincenzo Ferrari – EndoCAS Center, Italy
Practical Lectures
Practical Lecture 1: Unity and Vuforia for the building of an AR app with 3D contents
Tommaso Pantaloni – Ubisive, Italy
Practical Lecture 2: Generation and authoring of 3D content for augmented reality applications
Fabrizio Nunnari – German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence (DFKI), Saarbrücken, Germany
Practical Lecture 3: Spatial Augmented Reality: video mapping applied to artistic and museum communication
Donato Maniello – Studio Glowarp, Italy
Young Researchers’ Presentations
Dynamic 3D visualization of the Internet of Things elements in outdoor augmented reality modes
Arnis Cirulis – Valmiera University, Latvia
Augmented Reality for the enhancementof Apulian archaeological areas
Doriana Cisternino, Carola Gatto – University of Salento, Italy
BRAVO – Beyond the tReatment of the Attention deficit hyperactiVity disOrder
Valerio De Luca – University of Salento, Italy
Spatial Augmented Reality for the valorization of cultural heritage: the Clock Tower of Galatina
Liliana Scrivano, Emanuela Candido – University of Salento, Italy
Ismael – Integrated SysteM for the Assessment of Environmental impacts in transport Logistics
Maria Concetta Botrugno, Angelo Mazzeo – DBA LAB, Italy
Resilient Synthetic Vision for Advanced Control Tower Air Navigation Service Provision, RETINA project
Sergio Piastra – University of Bologna, Italy
How to participate
The Summer School is open to Ph.D. and Master students, post-doctoral researchers and academic or industrial researchers. PhD students will receive credits (CFU).
Ph.D. students are encouraged to submit their research-in-progress presentation during the summer school.
Researchers of university and industry who want to present the results of their projects or give a lecture on a specific topic concerning the augmented reality technology are welcome.
Any proposal to presentation from academic or industrial researchers and Ph.D. students has to be sent to info@salentoavr.it specifying the title of the presentation; the abstract should be one page long.
The Augmented Reality Summer School fee is € 650 and includes lectures, daily lunches and coffee breaks as well as social activities.
The payment of the conference participation fee can be carried out:
- by bank transfer
- by credit card
For both payment modalities is mandatory to carry out the conference registration.
Bank transfer details:
Beneficiary: C.I.N.I. Consorzio Interuniversitario Nazionale per l’Informatica
Bank name: Banca Intesa-SanPaolo
IBAN: IT40 B030 6905 0841 0000 0046 052
Reason: ARSS 2018 + name of person attending the conference.
Please send copy of the payment receipt by email to info@salentoavr.it
To receive the invoice for the Summer School registration fee,
please download here the application form and return it completed.
Venue and accommodation
The AR Summer School will be held at the Hotel Belvedere in Torre dell’Orso (Melendugno), Lecce, Italy.
Hotel Belvedere
Via Alessandro Volta, 37
73026 Torre dell’Orso (Melendugno), Lecce, Italy
phone: +39 0832 841244
Le vie di Omero
phone: +39 349 763 6664
B&B Casa del Turista
phone: +39 0832 841006
Campeggio Sentinella
phone: +39 389 203 8450
Agricampeggio Lama Torre Dell’Orso
phone: +39 339 257 9086
Shuttle service from Brindisi Airport
A shuttle service (not included in the registration fee) will be available from Brindisi Airport to Torre dell’Orso and vice versa. For the reservation visit the page www.airshuttle.it/index_eng.asp. The shuttle driver will take you to the school venue.
Social events
Sunday 2nd September – Welcome cocktail
To welcome the participants at the school venue, a special cocktail will be offered to all attendants in the wonderful atmosphere of the Hotel Belvedere.
Beach activities
e-mail: info@salentoavr.it
phone: +39 0832 297736
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