Due to restrictions and uncertainty about the COVID-19 global pandemic,

Salento AVR 2021 will be a livestream and online event.


The 8th International Conference on Augmented Reality, Virtual Reality and Computer Graphics (SALENTO AVR 2021) intends to bring together the community of researchers, scientists, and innovators in order to discuss key issues, approaches, ideas, open problems, innovative applications, and trends in virtual and augmented reality, 3D visualization and computer graphics in the areas of medicine, cultural heritage, arts, education, entertainment, military, and industrial applications.

SALENTO AVR 2021 will feature oral presentations, posters, and research demos.

SALENTO AVR 2021 solicits original contributions and the submission of full or short papers for oral or poster presentation and is structured around the following tracks:


and the following special tracks:


External reviewers and program committee taking into account originality, significance, technical soundness, and clarity of exposition will carefully evaluate the contributions. Accepted papers will be included in the conference proceedings and published in Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS) edited by Springer.


For further information, please contact the chairs at


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Partnerships and Sponsors

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